Executive and Virtual Assistant: Why Should You Hire One

Free up your time to focus on what matters by hiring an executive and virtual assistant

As businesses expand and more work is required, it becomes impossible for a single person to do everything. A business owner’s time will be better spent if they delegate the smaller tasks that take up their time so that they can focus on the things that need doing most. 

It’s important to learn how to delegate, as there are many things in life that could take our attention away from the things that really matter. That’s why you should hire an executive and virtual assistant.

Delegating non-essential tasks can allow you to focus on those tasks that are essential for your business’s success. This requires being able to recognize and identify those tasks, which isn’t always easy but is critical in helping you succeed in your business endeavors. 

If you don’t have anyone who can help with certain routine items, such as making travel arrangements, confirming appointments, or drafting emails an executive and virtual assistant may be a cost-effective way of getting someone else to do these jobs while still freeing up your time and keeping you focused on what needs doing.

Executive and virtual assistant supports for big or small projects

The first step to getting a project done is to identify what it is you need to be done. Do you want to launch a product? Promote your services? Do you want to make sure that your branding is on point?

Next, decide how you want to achieve it. Will it be through social media? Email marketing? A series of blog posts or infographics? Do you need research or design work as part of the campaign process?

Then, delegate the tasks that lead up to the successful completion of your project. Get someone on board who can take an idea and run with it! If they have any questions, they can ask you, but shouldn’t need much hand-holding in order for them to be able to get the job done.

Finally, make sure everything gets done! This doesn’t mean micro-managing, but do check in from time to time and make sure deadlines are being met and processes are moving smoothly toward end results. 

As we all know too well, procrastination and excuses abound when we’re left without any accountability measures in place.

Remote support

When you hire an executive and virtual assistant, you can work with them from anywhere. As long as you have access to the internet and a phone, you can get things done. 

This means that if your business is expanding internationally, you can support the new customers there without having to open an office in another country. It also means that if you’re traveling for business or pleasure, you can still be productive because your remote worker is available during your normal working hours.

To communicate with a remote worker effectively:

  • First, establish clear communication tools and expectations regarding their use with your remote employee before they begin working for you.
  • Next, consider using video conferencing software like Skype or Google Hangouts to maintain strong connections with staff who are not physically present. Schedule weekly meetings with each of your remote workers to talk about projects and check in about how things are going.
  • Finally, be sure to use collaboration tools such as Google Drive or Basecamp so that all team members are aware of deadlines and progress on projects.

A loyal partner who cares about your business

Your executive and virtual assistant want your business to achieve its goals. 

That’s why he or she is there! Unlike an employee who has been on the job for years, your executive and virtual assistant will want to learn everything about your company and how it operates because he or she is invested in seeing it succeed. 

Your executive and virtual assistant bring to the table a level of motivation that you can’t get from an employee who has been in a position for too long.

By hiring an executive and virtual assistant, you can focus on your business and let someone else handle the administrative work

Every business owner needs to hire a virtual assistant in order to focus on the things that really matter and let go of tasks that don’t matter as much.

When you have employees, you have administrative work that needs to be done. Payroll, invoices, and all those other administrative tasks can be taken care of by an experienced executive and virtual assistant who has been trained in how to handle these responsibilities efficiently and correctly.

As a business owner, you should not be spending your time coordinating meetings between clients or planning travel schedules for your associates. 

Instead, you should be focusing on the big picture: making sure that your company is successful and growing strong.

Make sure that you are using your time as effectively as possible by hiring an executive and virtual assistant who can take care of everything else!

At ievAbi, we provide Executive and Virtual Assistant services and so much more. For more information visit www.ievabi.com or schedule a call with us today.

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